DevOps Learning & Technical Education

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Best Value

Course #1



Certified solutions & Architect associate

Certified sysops & Developer associate

Best Seller

Course #2

Full DevOps


Linux, Git, AWS , Digital ocean

Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins

Kubernetes & Helm-charts, Argo-CD

Rancher, Grafana/prometheus, EFK-stack & much more..

Best Value

Course #3

CICD with Jenkins & Argo-CD


Full Concepts of Continuous Integration & Continuous Development

Full Jenkins Concepts and Practicals

Full Argo-CD Concepts and Practicals

Best Value

Course #4

Ansible & Terraform


Full Ansible Concepts and Practicals

Full Terraform Concepts and Practicals

Top Rated

Course #5

Docker & Kubernetes


Full Docker Concepts and Practicals

Full Kubernetes Concepts and Practicals

Best Value

Course #1



Certified solutions & Architect associate

Certified sysops & Developer associate

Best seller

Course #2

Full DevOps


Linux, Git, AWS , Digital ocean

Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins

Kubernetes & Helm-charts, Argo-CD

Rancher, Grafana/prometheus, EFK-stack & much more..

Best Value

Course #3

CICD with Jenkins & Argo-CD


Full Concepts of Continuous Integration & Continuous Development

Full Jenkins Concepts and Practicals

Full Argo-CD Concepts and Practicals

Best Value

Course #4

Ansible & Terraform


Full Ansible Concepts and Practicals

Full Terraform Concepts and Practicals

Top Rated

Course #5

Docker & Kubernetes


Full Docker Concepts and Practicals

Full Kubernetes Concepts and Practicals


What our students says


devops engineer

After buying the Docker & kubernetes course, now i am feel very confident. it was the great learning experience, Devopsikho team is really co-operative and solved all my doubts.


Telecom Engineer CKA Certified

I purchased the Docker & kubernetes course, it was an amazing course, I had no background of Kubernetes & Dockers 2 months ago. they started the course from very basics to Advanced. believe me after buying this course now i am a CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator)

Manish sharma

cloud engineer

I purchased AWS course, really it was the great learning experience, it helps me to understand how cloud environment works, especially thanks to Devopsikho team.

Karthik Subramaniam

SRE Engineer

I purchased Full Devops course, it was the awesome learning experience, so after buying this course now i have the knowledge of All devops tools like ansible, terraform, docker, k8s, jenkins & much more.

Mohan raj

Devops & Cloud Engineer

I purchased Full Devops course, Previously i was the On-prem guy, but after this course, now i can say that i am a Devops Enginner, all credits goes to Devopsikho team, who help me to achieve this goal.